How do I change the Bible Translation? [FAQ]
In addition to the default New International Version translation for Bible readings, Christian Worship: Service Builder now includes three additional translations recognized by the WELS denominatio...
How much does Christian Worship Service Builder cost? [FAQ]
Christian Worship: Service Builder offers annual subscriptions calculated based on your church's average worship attendance along with a one-time setup fee. Whereas some church service software ar...
What does it mean if a hymn's content is temporarily unavailable in digital format? [FAQ]
Sometimes when editing your bulletin, you will notice an alert stating that a hymn isn't available digitally (see below for a list of hymns and psalms). This will happen regardless of any license o...
Why am I not able to accept an invitation? [FAQ]
We at CTS have found that, for some reason, the Firefox browser does not like the invitation links from Builder and can lead to an annoying loop where you accept the invitation but does not open in...
Common Questions on Playlists
What is Playlist?Playlist is an add-on subscription for Christian Worship: Service Builder to assist churches in leading congregational singing for worship. For congregations that do not have a tra...
What hymns and psalms are included in the Playlist feature of Service Builder? [FAQ]
Christian Worship: Playlist is now available. When creating your service materials in Christian Worship: Service Builder, you can create a playlist of selected hymns and liturgical elements with pr...
Playlist Subscription
A subscription to the Christian Worship: Playlist feature will provide digital recordings of accompaniments for the hymns, psalms, and liturgical music in Christian Worship: Hymnal but not all psal...
Preparing a Playlist
With a subscription to Christian Worship: Playlist, you can create a playlist of music for your service and play it from a sound system. The Playlist view is available at all times, but you will on...
Why can't I save my Custom Hymn? [FAQ]
After entering a new hymn, you may come across an error message when you click the Save button. More often than not, that error message will say something along the lines of "Contents missing copyr...
Hymn Usage Reporting
Christian Worship: Service Builder (CW:SB) integrates with OneLicense to help streamline reporting for your use of copyrighted material. Once you have your OneLicense subscription, you will first n...