Many musical works use a phrase or verse that repeats throughout the work. However, not all refrains have a predictable repetition as some refrains only occur at certain times or after certain stanzas while other times, a hymn has multiple refrains showing at different times.
Due to this variety, some hymns and psalms require customization in order to appear correctly between bulletins and presentations.
Christian Worship Service Builder helps address this irregularity by adding refrain slides between stanzas for your presentations, that you can choose to show while either in your Bulletin or Presentation view, depending on the hymn.
Content Tab option
Here's how to add those refrains by selecting separate melodies in your Bulletin view using the available Content Tab,
- From the Calendar view, select a previously planned service or plan a new service.
- Select "Prepare Bulletin" in the upper right corner. This will change the view to a preview of the bulletin.
- Select the Insert tab, and use the icons to insert any hymn(s) you want to add.
- Select the Hymn placeholder, and, in the side Search panel that appears, assign your desired hymn.
- With the hymn selected, there should be a new Hymn tab that appears, along with available content options. Click the "Melody(Bulletin)" option to show the hymn appropriately for a bulletin.
- Review your bulletin for any additional changes.
- On the Document tab, click “Export” and select the file type you want to export to.
Some hymns and psalms don't have separate melody options and refrains will need to be added manually.
Stanza Selection option
Here's how to add those refrains by selecting the stanzas you want to include directly in the Bulletin view,
- From the Calendar view, select a previously planned service or plan a new service.
- Select "Prepare Bulletin" in the upper right corner. This will change the view to a preview of the bulletin.
- Select the Insert tab, and use the icons to insert any hymn(s) you want to add.
- Select the Hymn placeholder, and, in the side Search panel that appears, assign your desired hymn.
- With the hymn selected, there should be a new Hymn tab that appears, along with available options. Click the Stanzas option to open the drop-down menu of all available parts of the hymn. Presentation only sections are unselected by default, but can be selected for exporting slides. To add the extra refrains, check the boxes next to lines stating "(Presentation Only)".
Note: To see how this effects your Presentation slides, see the Help article: Complex Refrains (Presentations) - Review your bulletin for any additional changes.
- On the Document tab, click “Export” and select the file type you want to export to.
If using the second method in the Presentation view, it is recommended to finish and export your bulletins before making any changes for the presentation to avoid needing to switch the refrains back and forth for each format.
This article applies to the following Hymns and Psalms:
Content Tab Workaround:
51B - Have Mercy in Your Goodness, Lord
62E - My Soul Is at Rest
67F - May the Peoples Praise You
95B - Come, Let Us Sing
100C - We Are His People
103C - Bless the Lord My Soul
103E - Praise the LORD, my Soul
113B - Now and Forevermore
116C - I Will Walk in the Presence of God
117A - Sing, Praise, and Bless the Lord
118D - This Is the Day
130D - I Place All My Trust in You
130G - I Will Wait for You
132A - Arise, O Lord, into Your Resting Place
148C - Praise in the Heights
463 - Hail Thee, Festival Day
938 - This Is the Feast
961 - Hail Thee, Festival Day (Ascension)
962 - Hail Thee, Festival Day (Pentecost)
972 - We Praise You, O God
Stanza Selection Workaround:
42E - Lord, from Sorrows Deep I Call
51B - Have Mercy in Your Goodness, Lord
69C - LORD, In Your Great Love
91D - On Eagle's Wings
130G - I Will Wait for You
132A - Arise, O Lord, into Your Resting Place
148C - Praise in the Heights
403 - Lamb of God
423 - The Power of the Cross
447 - Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed
452 - The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done
457 - O Sons and Daughters of the King
577 - Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love
580 - All I Have Is Christ
652 - Lord, Have Mercy
753 - My Worth Is Not in What I Own
821 - On Eagles’ Wings
822 - Pass Me Not
867 - Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near
868 - By Faith
877 - Reformation Song
886 - Blessed Are They
938 - This Is the Feast
964 - Thanks Be to God
Both Workarounds:
51B - Have Mercy in Your Goodness, Lord
130G - I Will Wait for You
132A - Arise, O Lord, into Your Resting Place
148C - Praise in the Heights
938 - This Is the Feast