Christian Worship: Service Builder (CW:SB) integrates with OneLicense to help streamline reporting for your use of copyrighted material.
Once you have your OneLicense subscription, you will first need to go up to the gear icon and select Account Settings. In the OneLicense field, enter your provided subscription number. This number will be a six-digit number, entered without any additional letters or hyphens. Click the “Save” button and check to see if your license has been validated. If the number is not validated after you have saved it, please contact support.
Once the number has been entered and validated, your Builder software will report only reprint and slide usage based on what you export. When exporting the software will tell you if any additional licensing is needed. This usage will be imported into your OneLicense account automatically. This automated job runs on Mondays and reports anything exported in the prior 7 days (Mon-Sun).
Usage is reported Per-Service basis and not per export. Meaning, that if you export the same service 3 times, the usage will only be reported once.
You can then review your CW:SB reporting in OneLicense.
Any streaming, podcast, or additional licensing will need to be manually reported by the user on their OneLicense account.
For more information on how OneLicense works, click here to be taken to their page.