Is there a Non-Communion option for Services? [FAQ]


When adding in an order of service, a communion rubric as well as related elements are automatically included. Instead of manually removing these elements when creating a service without communion, you can add in an additional rite to make those changes for you.

While creating your service plan, go down to the Additional Rites section and click Add rite.

A sidebar should open with Service inserts being at the top of your options. Click Non-Communion Ending to add to your service plan.

Once in your Bulletin view, you'll be able to navigate to the bottom of your bulletin and click to insert the rite. Most, if not all, of unneeded sections should be replaced or removed appropriately, though it's always good practice to check over the entirety of the service to make sure all looks as it should.

Note: The Non-Communion Ending rite itself cannot be edited itself. If you want to customize your non-communion service, it is recommended to insert the Non-Communion Ending and save the order of service as a custom liturgy. From there, you can determine the order and elements of your service for future use.
